Over the last week or two I can definitely say that I have had some more cultural experiences, which are always interesting. For my Literature class we were assigned to go see a specific play called "Les Negres", a play by Jean Genet that portrays some racial stereotypes between whites/blacks and was supposedly written to be seen only by whites in order to scare/shock them out of their stereotypical views. Interesting idea, and I am sure if I had understood it I would have enjoyed it more. Getting to the theater itself required finding a bus and asking if it goes to the theater, then getting dropped off in a parking lot with no theater in sight. The bus driver wasn't sure, but he pointed off in one direction and we hoped he was right. Funny enough, we actually had to walk through a park with a giant mansion where we found the theater on the other side. As we finally sat down my friends and I joked about how we were probably going to have a difficult time understanding, but we all agreed we would just laugh when everyone else did. The play began and we realized that we weren't going to understand anything. The biggest issue for us were the actors' accents which seemed to be of African origin-- pronunciation was WAY different and even the words I should have known were lost in the thick accents. After 2.5 hours of trying to understand we emerged from the theater and all tried to figure out what we had just seen. I am still not entirely sure, but I know I have to write a paper for it! Even our teacher admitted she had a hard time understanding parts-- so maybe she'll go easy on us :)
I also got to go to the French movie theater again, but this time we went to one called Gaumont, which is actually a big chain of movie theaters. My friends had been wanting to go see the Hunger Games, so I rushed through the first book, loved it, and went with them to see the movie. We went to see the "VO" which stands for Version Orginale because they keep it in its original language and just add French subtitles. I may actually go back and see it in French, but I didn't feel too guilty because I have already seen 2 big movies in French here (Intouchables and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). I am still incredibly impressed with the French movie theaters-- great screens, great sound, big comfy seats, awesome student discounts, AND no one yells at you for bringing in your own food!
Okay, time to break up this post with some pictures! I went to Anduze with my exchange group recently and it was just this small town with lots of history, especially with religion. We were able to walk around a bit and I even got my first scoop of ice cream in France-- it was a really hot day!
My mint chip ice cream: MINTY! Almost like being at the dentist. Also, it came with a glass of water that had a spoon, which I found interesting |
Trivia Winners! |
Whew, like I said, lots of updates! This Friday my two week April break starts and my friend Sydney and I will start it off by going to Toulouse and Bordeaux for 6 days and during the second week (my birthday week) I will be going to Nice and Monaco with my friends Vivienne and Adrienne :) After that break, we only have two weeks left of school and only a little bit of time until I begin my summer traveling on May 15th! I am feeling very lucky to be able to have all these wonderful experiences and I plan on making every last minute memorable!
Things I've Learned:
- There are solar panels on my dorm rooftop. Way to be "green" Paul-Valery!
- Apparently French theaters don't have intermission-- at least not the play I went to. Nearly 2 hours and a half hours in the same seat! Instead of having an intermission to change the set and their clothes, they just dimmed the lights and had the characters sing as they changed and cleaned up the stage.
- Movies are sometimes released earlier in France/Europe, like the Hunger Games which was released a day or two before the US.
- People who wear deodorant are definitely not as common here as you would hope, either that or the deodorant barely works. I guess the winter covered that up a bit, but now with summer quickly approaching it is becoming more of a problem because...
- ...As far as I can tell air conditioning is nearly NON-EXISTENT and the trams have little air movement, especially when they are packed.
- I don't know why I have just realized this, and I know my mom's jaw will probably drop, but: A lot of people who handle food (like in a bakery) don't typically wear any sort of gloves. Doesn't really bother me, I guess they wash their hands a lot because I once saw a guy come in to the little restaurant down the street and shake the cook's wrist instead of his hand when he said hello.
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