
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Seulement Six Semaines!

Well, my flight is finally booked and I fly off to live in France for 9 months in just six weeks! I head out September 19th in order to arrive the next day and I will return on June 7th, 2015. Well, at least I intend to return, but people keep reminding me of the possibility I might just want to stay, especially after I make a life for myself there over the next 8-9 months. We will see!

I recently bought myself a long-awaited present to celebrate my return-- a fancy camera! My little blue Canon Powershot has lasted me since high school, but I decided I wanted to take even better photos to help remember my time abroad. So, I finally decided on a camera and purchased a Canon Rebel SL1. It's the smallest DSLR camera available, which I thought would be perfect for traveling! The reviews for it were stellar and I can definitely see why-- I cannot wait to take it with!  As preparations have continued, I definitely have a lot to get done before now and then, but luckily it is mostly an exciting process.

  • Get a visa-- absolutely essential and somewhat time consuming.
  • Get my birth certificate translated and stamped-- so I can benefit from SS while in France.
  • Decide what teaching materials to bring-- difficult because I don't know what grade(s) I will be teaching yet, only that I am at the primary level. 
  • Try to get into contact with my French contact person-- this has been VERY difficult.
  • Make copies of EVERYTHING-- the French require lots of documentation for anything you do.
  • Stock up on my favorite things I won't be able to get abroad.
  • Pack my life into two suitcases.
  • Spend lots of time with my friends to make up for the 9 months I'll be gone.
  • Get comfy in my economy plus seat and fly off to France at 6:10pm on September 19th!
I have continued to keep in regular contact with my au pair family, and they continue to be absolutely wonderful and considerate! I'm in the process of shopping for gifts to thank them for their hospitality. I've settled on Garrett's Popcorn and/or Mrs. Field's Cookies for the parents, definitely Chicago treats, and I've bought a few books for both of the boys including Goodnight Moon, of course. These books will help me expose them to more English and get them used to certain vocabulary words. If nothing else, I can always read in English and translate back in French to help them make the connection. It's been an exciting process-- plus, I love giving gifts!

They just sent me their address for Visa application purposes-- but of course I looked it up on Google Maps to check it out. I'm not sure WHICH house is theirs because it's a private street, but look at the backdrop of the Loire Valley in the background! Sure, it's suburbia, but I've really begun to love the idea of being able to live outside the city, but be close enough to go whenever I want. I think it will all work out well!

My new neighborhood!
The family has also asked me to try to cook an American meal about once a week-- so this is where I could use YOUR help! I need a list of possible meals to make them, so please post in the comments about what you consider to be an "American" meal and I'll add them to my current list. I'm going to have to spend a lot of time practicing these meals before I leave because I am definitely not much of a chef!
French Toast (because my guess is it isn't French)
Scrambled eggs and bacon

Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Sloppy Joes

(...because that's a meal, right?)
Chocolate Chip cookies

This summer has truly flown by and I'm trying to take advantage of the time I have left to enjoy Chicago and the people I have to leave behind, even if it's only for 9 months. I probably won't write again until right before I leave, barring any big updates, but once I am abroad I hope to post weekly like I did in Montpellier! 

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