This post has been in the making for the last two weeks, but as with anything I write-- I'm a perfectionist. So that means, I write and rewrite about 10 times before I am absolutely satisfied with what I've said. But finally, I finished. I ended up making this post a bit of a mixture, un mélange, of three topics: Traveling, Au Pair-ing, and Teaching.
We ate lunch next to this temple from 10 BC. |
love a good day trip: no need to pack a bag, just bring your camera and
a bit of cash and you're good to go. My friend Christian, another au
pair/assistant, and I had been talking about taking a day trip for a
while, and we finally found a day and time to do one. We decided to go
to Vienne, a small city not more than an hour and a half train ride
away. I had heard about Vienne from my au pair family because it is
known for its Roman ruins, which are somewhat rare to this region. When I
lived in Montpellier, it seemed like every city had Roman ruins, but
that was an entirely different region and the Roman history goes back much
further there than in central France.